Friday 6 June 2014

Book of Excellence

Well done to Lucas for such an amazing painting of Pinocchio! The detail is incredible and you really took your time to make sure it was your best! You deserve your place in the Book of Excellence!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Look who has flown away...

Our butterflies were a bit sleepy so only one of them had hatched out of its cocoon by Friday afternoon. Fortunately Foundation had invited us to watch them releasing their butterflies earlier in the day. It was a very special moment watching them fly away over the fence! I brought the cocoons home for half term and here they are as they set off on their own adventures!

I wonder where they will go?

Thursday 24 April 2014

Look who has arrived!

When I left school last night, ten eggs were keeping warm in the incubator. Look who hatched early this morning...

We have been keeping a record of the eggs and for two days we have drawn ten eggs. This morning we had to draw eight eggs and two chicks!

I wonder how many eggs and chicks we will be drawing tomorrow...

Monday 17 March 2014

Look at our super story writing!

We have studied the story of The Chimpanzees of Happy Town. We have looked carefully at the characters and the opening of the story.

We then wrote the whole story. We had chance to edit it and then re-write it as a polished piece of work. We are very proud of our writing!

Saturday 15 March 2014

Chutney's tree has grown!

The tree had grown a little bit and the children were very excited! Click here to see the previous Blog entry

Well that tree just kept on growing and when it reached the houses, the children painted them in bright colours.

We gave the tree a sprinkle of glitter to help it grow even more and the children were amazed by what they saw in the classroom...

Now we have flowers, butterflies, birds and even a squirrel living in the tree!
Keep checking the blog to see the children's writing go up around the will be amazed!

Wednesday 12 March 2014

What a story!

In our story The Chimpanzees of Happy Town, we heard about Chutney who helped create a colourful happy town for some sad chimpanzees. Today Mr Walker told the children the Creation Story which is a very important story for many people of different faiths.

Mr Walker is a very good story you can tell by the concentration on the children's faces!

The children then used the Fotopedia Wild Friends app on the iPads to look at detailed photographs of things found in the natural world such as plants, animals and sea creatures. They then chose something that they are thankful for.

What a wonderful world we live in!

Thursday 6 March 2014

World Book Day!

Today is World Book Day and the children in Year 1 have brought a favourite book in from home to share with their friends. There is lots of talk about characters, illustrations, favourite pages and events.

We had lots of fun sharing our books with our friends!

I liked Havana's book because one of the pirates saw a crocodile. Jersey
I liked Lucas's book because the caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. Callum
I like Keira's book because I like the pictures in it. Mia
I like My new sister book because I have got a new sister. Millie