Saturday 23 February 2013

New term, new topic...

Roll up! Roll up! The circus has arrived in Class 1AB!

Keep following the blog to see what we get up to next term! 

Saturday 9 February 2013

Space Numbers!

Just to keep you busy (Grandparents too!)

Click the link below.

Listen to the instructions to 'park the space pod' on the correct number on the 100 square.
You can change the level to challenge yourself!
Park the Pods

Chinese New Year

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year!

We watched a DVD about Ian, a little boy who celebrates Chinese New Year with his family. We saw him find the lucky money under his pillow and another lucky coin in his dumpling! We enjoyed watching the dragon dances!

We wrote about the animal race in our writing books. It was lovely to see how proud the Mums, Dads and Grandparents were of the fabulous writing, on Parent's Evening.

Follow the link to Nancy's Music website and listen to the song we have been singing about Chinese New Year

Friday 1 February 2013

Homework for 1AB

Please practise reading AND writing the key words in the front of your home reading books.
Can you write an interesting sentence using some of the words?

Practise counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10 using this ict game. You have to hit the moles in order. Move the slider up at the left hand side to change it to go up in steps of 2, 5 and 10.

Disappearing Dog!

In science we have been learning about light. Some materials reflect the light. We watched a clip about Naughty Nora, a little dog who had run into the dark woods. We had to decide which material would be best to make a collar for her so that we could find her with a torch...

 We put three different materials round 'Nora's' neck.

We put Nora in the dark rocket...

  When we shined a light in the rocket we could see   
    which material reflected most light.

We decided that the foil material would be the best to make a collar for Nora to wear because it is so shiny and reflects the light.

Look out for reflective materials when you are walking with your child in the dark!