Tuesday 26 March 2013

Attendance Prize winners...AGAIN!!!

Class 1AB have won the Foundation Stage and KS1 attendance prize for the second time! Thank you for your support with such good attendance!

Red Nose Day

Thank you for your support for Comic Relief. Our school raised an incredible £654!!!!

Saturday 23 March 2013

The chick's home for the weekend.

The chicks are enjoying having space to run around. They are now beginning to scratch the ground as if they are looking for worms! On Monday they will be in a run next to the hall so we will be able to sit and watch them together.

Why don't you add a comment to say what you think about the chicks? :)

Holding the chicks.

On Friday we all had chance to hold the chicks. Even those who didn't want to hold one, enjoyed stroking them. Some of the chicks even went to sleep while they were being held!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Describing Shapes

We are learning how to name and describe 2D and 3D shapes by their features. The prompts on our Working Wall help us to remember to talk about the corners, faces and edges of a shape.

Please help your child to practise describing different shapes! Thank you!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Chick Update!

The first chicks to hatch have moved into the brooder box! Hopefully their brothers and sisters will join them later today.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

More arrivals!

While you were at home having your tea, three more chicks pecked, pushed and stretched their way out of their eggs!

I wonder how many more will have hatched by the morning...

2 new arrivals!

Looks like some more chicks will be joining them very soon!

Keep checking on here to see when they arrive!

Monday 18 March 2013

Look how we use our discovery time...

Meadow, Blue and Ellie have been practising their number formation.

Poppy has been practising making half shapes!

Look who has arrived in school...

We have drawn pictures of the incubator and the eggs. We have written what we think will happen!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Claude Monet

As our circus has travelled to France, we have looked at the work of a famous French artist Claude Monet. We really like The Japanese Bridge! We learned art skills using tissue paper, art straws and glue to create our own version.

We think that they look brilliant!

Friday 8 March 2013

More ICT Skills

Today we are learning how to change the font style, size and colour when writing our names. Look how clever we are...

Now we can make our writing look really interesting!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Number Investigation

I gave the children a problem to help Cody the clown. Cody the clown needed to buy 10 noses, some red noses and some blue noses. We were trying to find as many different ways to make ten noses using red and blue cubes and then wrote a number sentence when we had found a way to make 10.
Miss Khella

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Measuring Madness!

Last term we learned how to measure using balance scales and meter sticks. We used words such as heavy, light, heavier than, lighter than and words to do with length such as longer than and shorter than. The photographs show how busy we were in the classroom when we were showing what we had learned!