Friday 26 April 2013

This week's ICT

In RE we learned about the Christian Story of Creation. In the ICT suite we have drawn the part of the story that we enjoyed!

We are very proud of our work!

Thursday 25 April 2013

Empathetic Elephants!

One aspect of Reciprocity is 'Listening and Empathy'. In our Morning Meeting today we talked about what makes a good listener. We talked about how important it is to look at the person talking and to take it in turns to speak.

We are becoming very good Empathetic Elephants!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Progress with our growing!

We had a busy day planting on Monday. We have planted bulbs in the outdoor area, sunflower seeds in pots and cress on damp cotton wool. We also have strawberry plants and tomato plants to plant out when the risk of frost has gone.

These our our sunflowers!

The cress is already sprouting!

We have set up a bottle with beans and seeds in so that we can watch what happens when the seeds sprout. Keep looking on here to see what happens!

Working together!

We have been working together on our Jack and the Beanstalk writing this week. We talked about the characters in the story and then worked with a partner to describe Jack.

In our Morning Meeting we learned how to count and clap together to practise our number sequences...that was fun!

We also worked together in Numeracy where we practised listening to each other as we gave instructions to find a big number...up to 100!

Friday 19 April 2013

Our new topic...

There is going to be a produce show in June and we want to win one of the prizes. maybe for the best carrots or salad plates or flower arrangements. So this term we will be learning all about plants and growing so that we will be experts!

So far we have been on a plant hunt and we have learned the names of the parts of a plant.
Jayden- stem
Justin - leaf
Tilly - flower
Ivas - roots

Our Class Assembly

With only 4 days to practise, it was our turn to take the assembly in front of the whole school. This term our Building Learning Power is Reciprocity. Which as Jake said "Means working together!"
We chose the story of Stone Soup which shows how it is much better to work together.

Our recipe for a good friend includes being kind, funny, helpful and always listening, sharing and helping each other.

I was very proud of everyone for working together to create our assembly. Some children who were too nervous to talk in our last assembly, said their lines beautifully today. Well done everyone!