Saturday 20 July 2013

Look who has grown...

Can you remember the cute, fluffy chicks that hatched in school at Easter?

Mrs. Harris took them to live in her garden. She has obviously looked after them well because they are now beautiful grown up hens and cockerels.

They have certainly changed a lot! I wonder when they will start to lay eggs...

Attendance Prize Winners...again!!

Class 1AB must be the place to be because our class had the best attendance from Easter to Summer. That means we have had the best attendance for the whole year as we won it at Christmas and at Easter! The team from The Showroom brought up some different activities for the children to try on Thursday.

The children tried bowling, curling and handball.

Everyone enjoyed their reward!
A big 'Thank you' must go to the parents, for the great attendance of their children!

Sunday 14 July 2013

Brayford Waterfront Festival

On Saturday, some children from our school took part in the Parade which was based on the expedition of Lincolnshire explorer and botanist Joseph Banks. They looked fantastic in their costumes and wonderful head dresses!

The parade included the ship he sailed on The Endeavour surrounded by waves and seagulls. Other children and staff were representing the many species of plants and mini beasts that Joseph Banks discovered on his travels to Australia.

Well done everyone! You did very well in the heat! It looked and sounded great!

Thursday 11 July 2013

The Produce Show!

It seems a very long time ago that we announced the Year 6 produce show. We have worked hard looking after the plants in our growing area but the strawberries and the tomatoes hadn't grown enough to enter the competition!

...but our Sweet Peas looked fabulous!

We took the flowers into Year Six where we were given a label and an entry number.

We were very proud to hear that our entry was 'Commended'! Next year we will plant our strawberries sooner so we can enter them as well!

Friday 5 July 2013

Writing progress

As part of our assessments the children always do an independent piece of writing. They started their writing in their yellow books when they were in Foundation. The children love to look back at their first pieces of writing!

The children can easily see how their writing has improved!

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...

We had a fabulous day at the seaside today! The children enjoyed the day and enjoyed the opportunity to play with all of Year 1 together on the beach. The sun even came out while we were in the paddling pool!

It wasn't as cold as it looks in the photos! We had lunch on the beach and then had fun digging holes, building sandcastles and collecting starfish.

More photos to follow tomorrow! After all that fun and fresh air there should be some very sleepy children tonight! (And a few sleepy grown-ups too!)