Wednesday 30 October 2013

Diwali Celebrations!

The first celebration that we have looked at this term is the Hindu Festival of Lights called Diwali. We watched this lovely video of Diwali celebrations. While we watched the video we looked for different ways that people celebrate. The children spotted dancing, food, fireworks, smart clothes and decorations. We talked about which things are the same as how the children may celebrate and which ways are different.

Click on the link to watch the video.

YouTube link to video 

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Make A Difference Day

The children have been busy today 'making a difference' to our school and hopefully the local community.
Our outdoor classroom has been cleared, swept and generally tidied today by the children with some help from Mrs Daly and our Y6 helpers.

The children have also planted lots of bulbs in all the planters. We should have a very colourful display in spring!

As part of our study of the St Giles Estate we looked at different areas around the estate and talked about things that we liked and things we didn't. One area that we felt was not as nice as it could be is the corner of Swift Gardens and Macaulay Drive.

The children listed what the problems were and then came up with ideas to improve this area.

The children then chose their teams to work in, to show their ideas to improve this area. I think it would look wonderful if some of their ideas were used!

Tomorrow's task is to write a letter to Councillor Tobin to tell him about our ideas!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Count Back Kid Maths Show

This morning the children have enjoyed a show by a visiting theatre company.

The children had to count on and back and add numbers together to help solve problems for The Count Back Kid.

We all really enjoyed the show!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Tasting Lincolnshire Foods

We have had a lovely day tasting foods that have grown or been produced in Lincolnshire. We tried to think of interesting words to describe the different foods.

As you can see, we had a lovely time!
I would like to thank our local Asda store for their support as they donated a lot of the food that we tasted today. We shared the food out between the three Year 1 classes, here is our 'share'. Thank you Asda!