Saturday 27 October 2012

Literacy Games

Letters and Sounds - free resources for phonics teaching

The Letters and Sounds website has links to lots of useful phonics games that your child could play on over the half term break.

Down the left hand side there are tabs for different 'Phases'. Begin with Phase 2 Games and progress to Phase 3 or 4 whichever is appropriate for your child.
Phase 2
You could comment on this post if you want to let me know which games you have played on, I'd love to know!
Have fun!
Mrs. Bland

Advance Warning!

Just to let you know that it is our turn to do an assembly on Friday 9th November!
Family and friends are very welcome to join us at 9.10am in the hall.

Please could your child wear bright coloured clothes to school on that day, a coloured t shirt would be fine, and bring their uniform in a bag to change into afterwards? Thank you!
Mrs. Bland

Saturday 20 October 2012

A useful link...

To reinforce what we have been learning in school you could visit the Crickweb website. They have lots of interactive games for you to play with your child. Click on the link below to find some animal and baby activities!

Have fun!

Friday 19 October 2012

What have we done this week?

We have learned about animals. Sara
We have played with toy lions, hippos, crocodiles and an anteater in the tuff spot. Jake
My Mum and Dad brought tortoises, rabbits and bearded dragons in to school. Skye
Me and Ellis were playing on the iPads. Justin
I painted a horse. Meadow
We have made clay faces. Blue
We have made clay animals. Lewis
My rabbit came in to school. Byron
We had fun in Golden Time playing with My Little Ponies. Scarlet

What a busy week!
Look out for the photographs from Pet Day!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Animal challenge!


Today we have been matching baby animals with their parents and talking about the different names. We know that a baby cat is called a kitten and a baby dog is called a puppy but I have set them a challenge...who can find out what a baby rabbit is called?

Can you find out any more unusual baby animal names?



In RE we learn about what is important to us and what is important to other people. We have been talking about who or what we belong to such as our families, school or clubs. We are beginning to understand that people who belong together; celebrate together. We drew pictures of our families celebrating different occasions like birthdays, Christmas, weddings, New Year's Eve and Bonfire Night. 

At home you could look at photographs of times when your family has got together to celebrate. Here are some things that you could discuss with your child...

What were you celebrating? 
Who came?
Did you have any special food?
Did you wear special clothes?
Did you do anything special like play any games or have music? 

We would love to hear about your celebrations! :)

Saturday 13 October 2012



On Monday we are having our Harvest Assembly in school. All contributions to our Harvest Collection, of tinned or packet foods will be greatly appreciated! We donate all the foods collected to Help The Aged who then make up Christmas hampers for elderly residents. 
     Thank you!                  

Learning At Home

We always encourage children to continue their learning at home. It is great to hear about the children teaching the parents what we learn about in school whether its digraphs or Florence Nightingale! 

Mati has been particularly busy this week! After he has read a book he likes to make something connected to it. This week he read a book called Little Ducklings and he created this fantastic scene from it! We thought it was fantastic! 

Remember that learning at home earns an extra Dojo point! 
What could you do this week?

Sunday 7 October 2012

Weekend Smiles!

I hope that you have all had a fun weekend?
Here is something I found which made me laugh...

Can you see what this is? How many dogs can you see? Now, have a closer look, how many REAL dogs are there in this picture?

What have YOU done this weekend that has made you laugh?  :)

Tuesday 2 October 2012

In The Past!

In History we learn about things from 'In the past'. In Year 1 we are learning about Florence Nightingale and everything that she worked hard to change in the hospital that she she worked in. Can your child describe what the hospital was like when she first arrived?
Here is a little clue...

If you follow the link below you can learn about Florence Nightingale at home!

Drawing of Florence Nightingale.