Wednesday 29 January 2014

Space Centre trip!

I am sure the children will be fast asleep as I type this after our very busy day! The children enjoyed looking at and interacting with the displays and models. They have learned a lot over this last term and were very excited to spot pictures and models of things that they have learned about.

It was lovely to share lunch together before we went to watch the Night and Day show in the Patrick Moore Planetarium.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Adding three numbers together

All the children can add two numbers together. Armed with three dice I gave the children the challenge of adding three numbers together. We discovered a few tips such as starting with the biggest number and counting on. It also helps to spot pairs that we can add together easily, then add on the last number.

Phonics Fun!

Now we have learned one way of writing each sound in our phonic lessons, we need to learn the alternative spelling choices. We have been learning when to choose the ai spelling and when it needs to be ay. Look out for ai/ay words in your reading books!

Saturday 18 January 2014

Space Place Value!

The children confidently partitioned teens numbers into tens and units (16=10+6 and so on!) so we have moved on to partitioning bigger 2-digit numbers. The children had to help an astronaut follow a path of asteroids to see which planet he would land on. The only clues they had were how many tens and units the next number had.

We then made our own asteroids and the children had to give their partner instructions using tens and units to direct them around the classroom!

After they had practiced describing the numbers by their tens and units, the children went back to their original activity to plan and record a route to take the spaceman to a different planet.

The children have loved playing Place The Penguins this week. Click on the link below to take you to this game so you can play at home too!

Watch out for the snowballs!

Learning how to Critique!

Saturday 11 January 2014

Space Walk Mission!

On Friday the children were issued with a mission from our Space Station control panel. While out on a space walk, the door had locked behind them and they had to work out the code before they could get back into the Space Station.
The children had time to practise using tens and units before they went on their mission!

Once outside, they had to find Space Station doors hidden around the outdoor area and count the tens and units on the back to work out each number.

When they had written down all the numbers, they had to see which number appeared the most. That number was the code to get back inside! It was quite cold out in space so the children were very keen to complete the mission successfully!

The children then made the code number using tens and units to be allowed back in!
Mission completed!

Thursday 9 January 2014

Place Value

I am sure that the children have all grown over the holidays! They have certainly come back ready to learn! This week we have been learning about tens and units and how they make up two-digit numbers.

We worked in pairs to make teen numbers using one stick of ten and some units.

We will need our new skills to help us solve a space problem tomorrow...

Your child can show you how clever they are by playing this game on ICT Games. 

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Come with us into the future...

We have had a very exciting start to the new year with a new topic! Our school topic is Future and Year 1 are asking the question Would you like to be an astronaut? The children returned to find a rocket had landed in the classroom and was waiting to transport them to the Space Station!

We had some very interesting answers to this question! (Some of the children's writing will be posted later)

The first two astronauts were blasted safely into space by the Mission Control Centre!

I know that we are going to have a great term!