Saturday 18 January 2014

Space Place Value!

The children confidently partitioned teens numbers into tens and units (16=10+6 and so on!) so we have moved on to partitioning bigger 2-digit numbers. The children had to help an astronaut follow a path of asteroids to see which planet he would land on. The only clues they had were how many tens and units the next number had.

We then made our own asteroids and the children had to give their partner instructions using tens and units to direct them around the classroom!

After they had practiced describing the numbers by their tens and units, the children went back to their original activity to plan and record a route to take the spaceman to a different planet.

The children have loved playing Place The Penguins this week. Click on the link below to take you to this game so you can play at home too!

Watch out for the snowballs!

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