Sunday 23 February 2014

Writing for a purpose

We shared a wonderful book called Beegu during our work on Space.
There is a youtube video of someone reading this story so you can enjoy it too!

I told the children that they would be writing their own story about Beegu to read to the children in Foundation. The children knew it had to be their neatest writing with beautiful pictures because the Foundation children would be looking at their books!

On the last day of term the children felt nervous and excited as we went down to read our stories!

The children read their stories beautifully and felt very proud to be sharing them with a real audience. I was very proud of them all and the Foundation staff said how grown up they all are now!

We can't use lion's tails!

Winnie the witch had been invited to a party and she had to wear a hat that was 3 lion tails tall. We have been learning to measure so this was an easy job for us!

We thought that the hat was a bit tall but we had used lion tails so it should be ok!

Winnie was a bit cross because everyone else's hat was much shorter! It turned out that they had used a different lion!

Winnie found a spell in her Big Book of Spells that would fix this problem!
Wing of bat, fur of cheetah,
Turn these lion tails into centimetres!

We had fun learning to use a ruler to measure objects in centimetres!

Some children were up for a challenge and went on to draw lines that were a certain number of centimetres long...

No more mix ups with lion tails for us!