Sunday 23 February 2014

We can't use lion's tails!

Winnie the witch had been invited to a party and she had to wear a hat that was 3 lion tails tall. We have been learning to measure so this was an easy job for us!

We thought that the hat was a bit tall but we had used lion tails so it should be ok!

Winnie was a bit cross because everyone else's hat was much shorter! It turned out that they had used a different lion!

Winnie found a spell in her Big Book of Spells that would fix this problem!
Wing of bat, fur of cheetah,
Turn these lion tails into centimetres!

We had fun learning to use a ruler to measure objects in centimetres!

Some children were up for a challenge and went on to draw lines that were a certain number of centimetres long...

No more mix ups with lion tails for us!

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