Tuesday 17 December 2013

Candy cane mice!

Today the children worked as a team to assemble the mice.

Just what every Christmas tree needs! At 50p they are a real bargain! Come along to the Christmas Market tomorrow, the mice will be waiting for you!

Monday 16 December 2013

Christmas Craft

We are busy making our Candy Cane Mice tree decorations to sell at the Christmas Fair on Wednesday afternoon. So far we have cut the pieces out of felt and sorted the right size pom-poms for the noses!

Tomorrow, we will put the pieces together, add the eyes, the nose and the all-important candy cane. They will be on sale for 50p!

A lovely letter...

Dear Children,
Thank you very much for inviting us to watch the dress rehearsal of your Christmas Play.
We were really proud of how well you came into the hall. You all looked fantastic and your singing was amazing.
The children who had part of the story to tell spoke in loud clear voices and so the audience knew what was happening.
We would like to say thank you to the adults in Key Stage One too. You worked really hard to make the play a success.
We are sure the parents are as proud of you as we are.
Thank you again.
We wish you a Happy Christmas and we hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Mrs Cook and Mrs Ward

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Christmas Show Fun!

When a horse, a cow, 5 cats, a camel, 3 dogs, 4 donkeys, 3 sheep, 4 mice and a zebra can be seen trotting down the corridor it can only mean one thing...the Christmas play has arrived!

We have worked hard to practise our class song for the play. We are all the animals in the stable; with a few additional friends! This morning Foundation Stage watched our dress rehearsal and then this afternoon we performed our show for Key Stage 2.

Now we are ready for our first performance of 'Its A Baby' for grown-ups tomorrow afternoon!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

The second half of our trip was spent learning about many of the aeroplanes that flew in WW2. Mr Rowley told us that members of the public have to stay behind the barriers, around the edge of the huge hangar, but he had arranged it that we would be allowed to walk right next to the planes! What a treat!

Mr. Rowley told us about some of the men who flew the aeroplanes. This man had a very lucky escape! He had to jump out of the Lancaster Bomber when it was 3 miles up in the air. Fortunately for him, he landed in a German forest where the trees slowed down his fall, then he landed in a huge snow drift!

What a fabulous experience!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Our Trip to Thorpe Camp

We set off early from school on the bus, excited about what we might be doing and seeing on our trip. We arrived at Thorpe Camp and some lovely volunteers showed us round the exhibits.

Ant explained how morse code works with dots and dashes. He told the children how to do their initial in morse code!

We then had chance to look round the displays to find out what life was like in the past.

Nick let us try on some different army equipment and told us what the soldiers used them for. Even the grown ups got to join in!

Nick then led the children in some 'drill' where they were taught to march and salute!

We then got back on the bus and set off for The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight...

Thursday 21 November 2013

Shiny Objects and Light

We looked for the shiny objects in the boxes...but we couldn't see them! I was puzzled and said to the children 'But they shine so brightly out in the classroom, why can't I see them in the box?'
Very quickly the children were able to tell me that shiny objects don't have their own light, they need other light to 'show them up'.

We shone torch light into the box and looked through another hole. With the torch light reflecting off the objects we could see what they were!

The children worked well in partners to identify the objects!


Saturday 16 November 2013

Our class assembly

Well Done Class 1AB on their first ever class assembly! I am so very proud of every one of them for even having the confidence to sit on that stage and look out at 400 children, staff and parents, let alone stand up and say their lines in front of everyone!

When we were sat having our treat after the assembly, we talked about how we had felt.
Tyler-lee felt happy as we were waiting to walk down.
Jersey felt nervous.
Millie said that we felt nervous because we hadn't done an assembly before.
Mia said that we felt nervous just incase we didn't know what to do.
Callum said we felt nervous incase we forgot what to say.
Havana was excited when she saw lots of people.
All the children were happy that a grown-up had been able to come and watch them! Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Cook arranged it specially so that she could come and watch the assembly. I received this email today...

Dear 1AB
I just wanted to say thank you for such a lovely assembly on Friday. You used such big voices and I felt so very proud of how grown up you all are. I loved the story very much.
I always love visiting your room and am so pleased to see how hard you all work. I am especially proud of how much you are all starting to write now. Your work is getting much more detailed and you are showing lots of pride in yourselves.
Thank you again for a brilliant assembly and keep working hard.
Mrs Cook x
P.S I hope Tosia soon feels better! What a brave and dedicated girl!

Lots of other staff and children stopped Mrs Daly and I in the corridor to say how much they had enjoyed the assembly...so well done everyone!
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs. Bland

Sunday 10 November 2013

Light and Dark

In our new science topic we will be finding out all about light. We began our topic by talking about what we would like to find out about light, using 'I wonder...' thought bubbles. We are wondering why it gets light in the morning, how the sun works, how the light comes in our house and how light bulbs work amongst other things! We added our thought bubbles to our display.

Mrs Daly then took the children into the stock cupboard and closed the door! In the dark, the children passed round objects and used their other senses of touch, hearing and smell to work out what they were.

The children all learned that we need light to be able to see!

Here is a bbc science clips activity that you might like to look at with your child.


Sunday 3 November 2013

Counting Money

We have been learning to recognise different coins and to count money up to10p. The important thing to remember when counting a mixture of 1p and 2p coins is to "tap the 2p twice!"

The children all know how to use Math Base 3 to practise their money counting skills.

The children enjoy applying their new skills to a role play situation when they set up the outdoor shop.

At home you could let your child practise counting coins from your purse. We have been using 1p, 2p and 5p coins in school but you could let them have a go at using 10p coins as a challenge. Remind them that they know how to count in 10's, so that might help them!

Here is a link to a simple money game where you have to 'splat' the hand that is holding 10p.


Let me know how you get on!

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Diwali Celebrations!

The first celebration that we have looked at this term is the Hindu Festival of Lights called Diwali. We watched this lovely video of Diwali celebrations. While we watched the video we looked for different ways that people celebrate. The children spotted dancing, food, fireworks, smart clothes and decorations. We talked about which things are the same as how the children may celebrate and which ways are different.

Click on the link to watch the video.

YouTube link to video