Saturday 16 November 2013

Our class assembly

Well Done Class 1AB on their first ever class assembly! I am so very proud of every one of them for even having the confidence to sit on that stage and look out at 400 children, staff and parents, let alone stand up and say their lines in front of everyone!

When we were sat having our treat after the assembly, we talked about how we had felt.
Tyler-lee felt happy as we were waiting to walk down.
Jersey felt nervous.
Millie said that we felt nervous because we hadn't done an assembly before.
Mia said that we felt nervous just incase we didn't know what to do.
Callum said we felt nervous incase we forgot what to say.
Havana was excited when she saw lots of people.
All the children were happy that a grown-up had been able to come and watch them! Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Cook arranged it specially so that she could come and watch the assembly. I received this email today...

Dear 1AB
I just wanted to say thank you for such a lovely assembly on Friday. You used such big voices and I felt so very proud of how grown up you all are. I loved the story very much.
I always love visiting your room and am so pleased to see how hard you all work. I am especially proud of how much you are all starting to write now. Your work is getting much more detailed and you are showing lots of pride in yourselves.
Thank you again for a brilliant assembly and keep working hard.
Mrs Cook x
P.S I hope Tosia soon feels better! What a brave and dedicated girl!

Lots of other staff and children stopped Mrs Daly and I in the corridor to say how much they had enjoyed the well done everyone!
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs. Bland

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