Sunday 3 November 2013

Counting Money

We have been learning to recognise different coins and to count money up to10p. The important thing to remember when counting a mixture of 1p and 2p coins is to "tap the 2p twice!"

The children all know how to use Math Base 3 to practise their money counting skills.

The children enjoy applying their new skills to a role play situation when they set up the outdoor shop.

At home you could let your child practise counting coins from your purse. We have been using 1p, 2p and 5p coins in school but you could let them have a go at using 10p coins as a challenge. Remind them that they know how to count in 10's, so that might help them!

Here is a link to a simple money game where you have to 'splat' the hand that is holding 10p.

Let me know how you get on!

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