Thursday 31 January 2013

If I were The King or Queen...

To change the routine of our Morning Meeting, we are introducing a new 'Sharing' idea. Each member of the class will get the opportunity to say what they would do if they were The King or The Queen! The class then get chance to ask them questions and then decide if they would like to live in a country with that king or queen!
This is who we had to start us off today...

King Ellis- I would be a bossy king!
Queen Skye- I would play games all day and I'd let you play games too.
Queen Brooke- I would sleep all day in a big purple bed and you would have to do all the jobs.
King Kai- I would drink lots of wine!
Sir Jake (he wants to be a knight) I would fight all the dragons and you would stay in the castle and be safe.

Mmm, I wonder if you can tell which kings and queens we preferred?

I am certainly looking forward to the next few days! :)

This week's learning

We enjoyed our sports morning and we learned how to do star jumps, high jumps, spotty dog and knee drives. We were very tired when we had finished!
Matthew showed us how to dive over the teachers, cart-wheels and back-flips. He started going to gymnastic classes when he was 4 years old.

In Numeracy we have learned to use these words; heavy and light, tall and short, full, empty and half full.

In History we have learned about the astronauts who went to the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon! Buzz Aldrin also walked on the moon. Michael Collins had to stay in the space ship.

Friday 18 January 2013

Numeracy News!

This week we have been practising addition and subtraction. We have learned different words such as minus, plus and total to help us understand addition and subtraction problems. We have tried to describe the difference between addition and subtraction...

If you put 3 fingers up and you want some more, you add some more fingers. Sophie

You get more when you add. Lewis

If you have 5 and you take away 3 you will have 2 left. That is less than when you started. Brooke

The signs are different + or -  Isabelle

10 + 10 = 20   10 - 10 = 0  Lacey

If we had 12 and we wanted 17 we would just put 5 up. Justin

5 - 2 = 3     3 + 2 = 5   5 + 2 = 7  Kai

The game below will help your child work out how many more they need to make 10.

Friday 11 January 2013

First week back!

Look what we have been doing in Class 1AB this week...

We have been celebrating Christmas at home. Lewis
I have been very good at counting in 2's. Justin
Our new topic is Space. Skye
We have been doing pictures of space. Meadow
I have been painting the space rocket. Blue
We made planets to go in the role play space area. Isabelle
We have been learning the planet's names. Daisy
I went in the rocket and pretended to go to the moon! Poppy
I have made 8 moon rocks. Keefer

Next week we will learn more about the planets and the history of space travel.
We will get better at taking away in Numeracy.
We will keep working hard to make our writing as neat as possible!

dog drawingWe had a look at a website in class today that shows you how to draw animals. We were very impressed with the dogs that we drew!
See what other animals you and your child can draw following the step by step instructions by clicking on the link below!