Thursday 31 January 2013

If I were The King or Queen...

To change the routine of our Morning Meeting, we are introducing a new 'Sharing' idea. Each member of the class will get the opportunity to say what they would do if they were The King or The Queen! The class then get chance to ask them questions and then decide if they would like to live in a country with that king or queen!
This is who we had to start us off today...

King Ellis- I would be a bossy king!
Queen Skye- I would play games all day and I'd let you play games too.
Queen Brooke- I would sleep all day in a big purple bed and you would have to do all the jobs.
King Kai- I would drink lots of wine!
Sir Jake (he wants to be a knight) I would fight all the dragons and you would stay in the castle and be safe.

Mmm, I wonder if you can tell which kings and queens we preferred?

I am certainly looking forward to the next few days! :)

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