Friday 18 January 2013

Numeracy News!

This week we have been practising addition and subtraction. We have learned different words such as minus, plus and total to help us understand addition and subtraction problems. We have tried to describe the difference between addition and subtraction...

If you put 3 fingers up and you want some more, you add some more fingers. Sophie

You get more when you add. Lewis

If you have 5 and you take away 3 you will have 2 left. That is less than when you started. Brooke

The signs are different + or -  Isabelle

10 + 10 = 20   10 - 10 = 0  Lacey

If we had 12 and we wanted 17 we would just put 5 up. Justin

5 - 2 = 3     3 + 2 = 5   5 + 2 = 7  Kai

The game below will help your child work out how many more they need to make 10.

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