Thursday 27 June 2013

Science week!

We have been very busy this week doing lots of investigations to learn more about materials. We wanted to find the best material to keep teddy dry! The children stopped me putting three sheets of fabric over teddy..."That's not fair! The plastic only has 1!" So we have learned about fair testing too.

We then used what we had learned to make teddy an umbrella. They are on display in the classroom for parents to see during Science afternoon.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Morning Meeting

Sophie-We greet each other around the circle.
These are our different greetings...
Kai- we can Hi-5 each other or shake hands or just give a nice smile.
Meadow- Bonjour
Skye- Ko nee chi wa!
Justin - Ca va?
Blue- Labas!
Kyle - Guten tag!
Jake -Ola!
Poppy - Good morning!
Jayden - Chest!

We think that this is a good way to start our day!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Goodbye and good luck!

Today was the day that we released the butterflies! They'd had lots of practise flapping their wings in the net and had enjoyed nectar from the flowers and the sugar water so they were prepared to go and have an adventure of their own...

It was very exciting watching them flying around our outdoor area!

Some of them didn't want to leave...

Sunday 16 June 2013

Five Fluttery Friends!

All five butterflies have hatched out of their cocoons!

Here is a close up picture of one butterfly who has been drinking the sugar-water from the sponge!
They are practising their flying skills so that they will be strong enough to fly away to find flowering plants when we release them.

I wonder if they can remember being a caterpillar? What do you think?

Friday 14 June 2013

Working together in Numeracy

The children had the task of using 50cm rulers to measure the kite tails in our outdoor area. This gave them good practise reading bigger numbers as well as developing their measuring skills. Isabelle found a kite with a very long tail, longer even than her 50cm ruler. Tilly was happy to work together and put her ruler next to Isabelle's. The tail was exactly the same length as both of their rulers. 'Its 100 cm because 50 add 50 is 100!'. What very clever Year 1 children!

You can't use lion's tails!

In Numeracy we discovered that you cannot use lions tails to measure accurately! Winnie the Witch (Ellie) had been invited to a party and she had to wear a hat that was 3 lion tails long. But when she arrived no one else's hats were quite as tall as hers!

Winnie had used the lion sitting on the table, which is very big! Everyone else had used a smaller lion with a shorter tail.

Wizard Blot gave Winnie a spell to sort the problem out...
Wing of bat,
Fur of cheetah.
Turn lions tails into centimetres!

We discovered that centimetres are always the same size, so they would be much better to measure with! So, we got busy and used our new skills EVERYWHERE!

We are very pleased that we have learned NOT to use lions tails! We are very confident with cm!

New arrival!

I checked the cocoons this morning, still no sign of anything happening!
Just half an hour later and there were shouts of 'We've got a butterfly! There's a butterfly!'
Look who is here...

Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Seaside

This is our display in our role-play beach area. We have all the words that we might need during our topic. To start our work we wrote a fact about the seaside or a question that we'd like to find the answer to.

...and just to answer Sara's question about if there will be enough ice-cream for everyone, I phoned Tracey the ice-cream lady at Sutton-on-Sea and said that we would need to buy about 100 ice-creams when we go on July 2nd! I think she is also buying a big box of flakes to go in the ice-creams!

Friday 7 June 2013

Showing Mastery!

When learning something new we spend time practising our new skills in different situations. When we are really confident we are given a challenge that will show that we have 'mastered' that new skill.
We have been learning how to test containers to see if they can hold more or less than 1 litre. Today the children were given the challenge of finding containers that Biff and a Chip could take to the beach. They only want containers that can hold 1litre or more.

The children filled a jug up to the 1litre mark and then poured it into each container...

If it could hold the litre or more, the children gave it a tick on their record sheet.

We all showed Mastery of Numeracy Awesomeness!

Thursday 6 June 2013

Capacity Capers!

We are all leaders!

In our Morning Meeting we discussed all the jobs that need doing around the classroom from giving out book bags to changing the computer programmes. Everyone was very keen to take responsibility for a task so we now have a long list outside the classroom to show who is responsible for each job.

We discussed how important it is that the leaders are polite and friendly while they are doing their jobs, because if they were very bossy we wouldn't feel like doing as they asked!

Monday 3 June 2013

Now they look different!

Overnight, the caterpillars wriggled out of their skin and this is what was underneath! They are now cocoons and for the next 7-14 days something incredible will be happening inside. What do you the it could be?

Sunday 2 June 2013

Simulation Explorer

We enjoyed using the ICT suite last week. All the new lap tops are now installed and we think they look very smart! We have been learning to use a programme called Simulation Explorer. We are able to explore the effect of making different choices in a simulated situation.

This week we explored the effects on a pond habitat of changing the water level and temperature.

If the water level and temperature were not ideal the poor frog died! This is the benefit of using a simulation programme, no real frogs were harmed during our experiments!

When he had explored the water level and temperature, we then moved on to Level 2 which included a third variable, plants. We all enjoyed seeing the results of our explorations!

What are the caterpillars doing now?

I came down this morning to find the caterpillars all hanging down from the lid of the tub. What do you think will happen next? Leave a comment below!