Sunday 2 June 2013

Simulation Explorer

We enjoyed using the ICT suite last week. All the new lap tops are now installed and we think they look very smart! We have been learning to use a programme called Simulation Explorer. We are able to explore the effect of making different choices in a simulated situation.

This week we explored the effects on a pond habitat of changing the water level and temperature.

If the water level and temperature were not ideal the poor frog died! This is the benefit of using a simulation programme, no real frogs were harmed during our experiments!

When he had explored the water level and temperature, we then moved on to Level 2 which included a third variable, plants. We all enjoyed seeing the results of our explorations!


  1. Izy looks hard at work. I bet she really enjoyed using the laptop.

  2. You all seem to be enjoying learning on the laptops

  3. Using the ICT suite is a highlight of our week! :)

  4. Using the ICT suite is a highlight of our week! :)
