Friday 14 June 2013

You can't use lion's tails!

In Numeracy we discovered that you cannot use lions tails to measure accurately! Winnie the Witch (Ellie) had been invited to a party and she had to wear a hat that was 3 lion tails long. But when she arrived no one else's hats were quite as tall as hers!

Winnie had used the lion sitting on the table, which is very big! Everyone else had used a smaller lion with a shorter tail.

Wizard Blot gave Winnie a spell to sort the problem out...
Wing of bat,
Fur of cheetah.
Turn lions tails into centimetres!

We discovered that centimetres are always the same size, so they would be much better to measure with! So, we got busy and used our new skills EVERYWHERE!

We are very pleased that we have learned NOT to use lions tails! We are very confident with cm!

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